
Ed is, well, a computer professional. Using computers since his first computer co-purchased [with his brothers] in 1982 [give or take], an old klunker running DOS 3.1 [I think] with roughly a 4.0 Mhz processor [wasn’t even 4.77 Mhz]. Has over 30 years in the industry, starting with working IBM part time as well as working full time at Motorola, CAE Electronics, CGI and various small and medium sized companies.

He has primarily working with Windows since Windows 286 [yes, that long] although dabbled with Linux flavours and Macs along the way.

Cumulatively, almost 150 years of experience as a systems administrator. Every year I “lightly” support Systems Administrator Day [last Friday in July] – http://sysadminday.com/ .

In case you wondered “blogue” is the French word for blog. I had to add some French content somewhere. 🙂

The legal-ish stuff:

Please note that information contained in the blog site is created as a courtesy. Use at your own risk. When applicable, test before using.

The content fount in the Politics section have been primarily copied and modified from other web sites.