And here comes another gag order

Special counsel’s office prosecutors have asked a federal judge in Florida to place a gag order on Donald Trump that would limit his ability to comment about law enforcement that searched his Mar-a-Lago resort. The request – a first in the classified documents mishandling case – comes after Trump has been repeatedly and falsely criticizing the FBI for having a policy in place around the use of deadly force during the search and seizure of government records at his resort in August 2022.

While Trump has told his supporters he could have been in danger because of the policy, the policy is standard protocol for FBI searches and limits how agents may use force in search operations.

[I am expecting Trump to claim that no one has ever been hit with so many gag orders than anytime in the US ever – maybe the world and maybe even the universe. And he may be right for once.]

Fox News claiming that when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago in 2022, that President Biden authorized deadly lethal force with SEAL Team 6 to assassinate Trump.

[Trump commented about it, of course, on his failed social network, as anything Fox News says is true. Right?]

[This “story” is quite funny as why would Biden authorize something that will have records of him giving an order, let alone probably over a dozen agents on site as witnesses. And where was the SEAL Team? Dressed up as FBI agents? The agents themselves were wearing polo shirts and not SWAT style combat equipment that would be associated with something like an assassination. In addition, like the CIA, SEAL Teams are not allowed to do any domestic missions – although a president could override that. I can’t see President Biden doing that but I could see Trump doing that.]

Recently, further evidence was allowed to be released including one where an empty confidential folder was used to block a blue light from Trump’s telephone in his room [he needed his beauty sleep after all].

[Exactly what happened to the confidential documents inside? Other empty folders were found as well. Mainstream media seemed to ignore this issue.]

In the “Hush Money” trial, Aside from some legal wrangling between the prosecution, defence and the judge, the jury has the rest of the week off but need to return on May 28th for closing arguments. Then they can deliberate.

[Some are suggesting that they won’t deliberate for too long. Could be just a few weeks.]

At it again, Trump may have violated the gag order at the trial for the eleventh time as Trump proceeded to refer to witnesses outside the courtroom — twice this week. Trump did so despite a gag order barring him from making “public statements about known or reasonably foreseeable witnesses” concerning their testimony.

Trump directly mentioned his legal team’s first witness, Robert Costello, and he offered a more oblique but unmistakable reference to the prosecution’s final witness, Michael Cohen, his former lawyer. Trump criticized Judge Juan Merchan’s treatment of Costello after Merchan cleared the courtroom amid repeated interjections from Costello, who objected to Merchan’s rulings. “You saw what happened to a highly respected lawyer today, Bob Costello,” Trump said. “Wow.”

[Respectable maybe in his eyes only.]

The 34 charges against Trump doesn’t mean much. Trump reimbursed Cohen with a series of 14 cheques for $30,000 each; they charged that as 14 separate counts. Similarly, 14 separate cheque stubs, etc. All 34 counts really refer to a single infraction. So, they are likely to convict on all 34 counts [or close to it] or else remain deadlocked on all counts.

[28 charges could go either way which leaves 6 charges that could make the difference.]

The very conservative Republicans are ramping up to push to get Trump elected. Among their merchandise are “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president” and “God, Guns & Trump” hats and a t-shirt that declared, “Make America Godly Again.” One person said “And I would any day of the week, take a president that openly knows he needs the strength from God over his own.” About 8 in 10 white evangelical Christians supported Trump in 2016 and 2020.

[Why do they like him so much? He’s a womanizer, twice he had affairs while still married, many affairs, kinky sex habits, and casino ventures. They don’t seem to care for gambling. The very conservatives like him for that? Are they turning a blind eye?]

A minority of conservative evangelicals who see Trump as an unrepentant poser, using the Bible and prayer sessions for photo props. They also see him waver on abortion [Florida’s ban was too strict] and he wavers on LGBTQ issues.

“We will protect Christians in our schools and in our military and our government,” Trump said. “We will protect God in our public square. … I will protect the content that is pro-God.”

[Did he do that during his reign? If he didn’t do it then, he won’t do it if elected in November. It’s all a ploy.]

Trump pledged a federal task force to fight the “persecution against Christians in America” and “the toxic poison of gender ideology,” saying “God created two genders, male and female.”

[Don’t count on the task force and he says one thing about males and females but then tries to court the LGBTQ community? He would court cats if he think they could help him win.]

Trump pushes a belief that America at his rallies was founded to be a Christian nation and seeks to privilege Christianity in public life.

[Well, unsure how Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and other religions would like this.]

At least a few of the six potential vice presidents that Trump could pick as his running mate as said something negative about him over the years.

House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik has called Trump a whack job. In August 2015, she told a New York radio station that he was “insulting to women” and that his candidacy would hurt the party’s efforts to attract female voters.

Sen. Marco Rubio once objected to Trump’s plans to launch a massive campaign centred on deporting immigrants, something Rubio now says he supports. Rubio also accepted that the “mainstream” media censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, another claim that the Democrats paid $10 for people to vote in Georgia [but even so, doesn’t mean they voted for the Democrats], or Wisconsin with over 500 illegal drop box locations.

[Face it. Just about all the so-called VP candidate at one point were against Trump for something or other. But it seems they are part of the party that can’t even remember what they had for breakfast yesterday, let alone saying something negative against Trump].

[Think about it. Trump probably as a bigger chance of winning in November and any of these dolts who latch on to Trump’s leg and starts to hug it have a big chance of being the next VP (barring turning into another Sarah Palin, that is).]

Trump’s former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, will be arraigned in an Arizona court for his part in election 2020 violations. When he was served his subpoena in Palm Beach after his live-streamed 80th birthday bash, Giuliani claimed that he had told the Arizona officials that he would be there, when he would be there and had “accepted the papers like a gentleman”. But, the Arizona attorney general said that they had been trying to serve him with the papers and he had eluded them for weeks, that he had not told them about the party and that they had discovered it themselves through social media (i.e. since it was live-streamed). The agents who served the papers also said that Giuliani looked surprised when they showed up. Giuliani will have his mug shot taken and finger printed.

[To make sure the mug shot more legitimate, it will show his face with liquid from a hair colorant dripping down from the side of his face.]

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is appealing Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee’s decision to dismiss several counts in the Georgia election interference indictment against Trump and several co-defendants. McAfee ruled in March that six charges in the 41-count indictment related to Trump and some co-defendants allegedly soliciting the violation of oath by a public officer lacked the required detail about what underlying crime the defendants were soliciting.

It didn’t take too long. Nikki Haley decided to suck up [or kiss his shoes] to vote for Trump after she called him unhinged, mentally unfit, and unqualified to be president. In about 10 “closed” state primaries, in some cases Haley got almost 20% of the primary votes even after she bowed out.

A movie called The Apprentice is coming out soon and Trump [and others] may not be too happy. It deals with his life just before his marriage to Ivana.

Ivana Trump also alleged in a 1990 divorce deposition, that Trump pushes her to the floor of their home during an argument and rapes her. That’s in the movie but unsure how much. He’s also depicted receiving oral sex from a topless blonde in Atlantic City while married. [Eeeewwww]

“We will be filing a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers. This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked,” said Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign communications director.

“Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people. They don’t talk about his success rate, though,” the director of the movie said.

[“Pure fiction”? It’s from a deposition which was never shown to be false. The production company has made only four films so far, and most of them are horror. So this is a horror movie.]

[In a shocker – you sitting down? – the NRA is backing Trump for president. Now a couple of elections cycles ago, the NRA were as big thing. But over the past few years, their clout has dwindled, because of scandals and other issues.]

About Edward B
computer guy

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