Week five of the first Trump trial

Donald Trump and President Joe Biden will be duking it out on June 27th in the first of 2 presidential debates. First one at CNN’s Atlanta studios [Georgia battle ground] with no audience and the contestants will be muted when not their turn to speak. Trump didn’t seem to care about who will be the moderator. June 27th is easily the earliest debate ever and could come just weeks after the “Hush Money Trial” is over.

[After the debate and if it doesn’t go his way, watch Trump to whine like a baby (as usual) saying he got more difficult questions or whatever from the moderator.]

There will be a second debate on September 10th on ABC.

[No Fox News?]

Biden’s campaign earlier called on Trump to join him for two presidential debates hosted by news organizations and formally informed the Commission on Presidential Debates that the president will not participate in its previously scheduled fall debates. Trump is suggesting to add two further debates but the Biden campaign hasn’t decided.

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced dates where the first debate was scheduled for September 16th in Texas, the second on October 1st in Virginia and a third on October 9th in Utah.

[Three states where the Republicans have an edge. Maybe a reason why Biden ignored the commission.]

In the Hush Money Trial, Trump’s former lawyer [and fixer], Michael Cohen, was grilled by the defence. He was pushed about his lies. In Congress he said he was dangled a pardon but didn’t take it. But at the trial he said he would of taken one. He gave an excuse that may have not helped him get out of it.

[An unofficial rule says that if a witness lied about one thing, there is a very good chance he lied about other things as well.

In the mean time, the final tally of Trump’s presidency: 30,573 false or misleading claims — with nearly half coming in his final year where he had to defend himself [somehow] to get re-elected.

[The Washington Post has a database of his lies since running for president.]

“Politics has absolutely no place in this court room” was what Trump said following a day this week in court.

[This from the man who conspired to use campaign funds to hide his fling with a woman just prior to the 2016 election.]

[Trump’s cronies are in court to suck up to him in hoping of getting a cabinet position and in the case of some, a VP position. Trump can’t say anything about the witnesses, but they can. Can you imagine a potential Trump cabinet full of convicts and idi0ts like Bannon, Giuliani and maybe even one or more from the no-IQ squad (Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Jordan)].

“The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man,” Trump said in a rally in New Jersey. Where did this come from? All of a sudden Trump is praising the fictional character but based on a person.

At the same rally, Trump said Venezuela reduced crime and murder. That anti-American country probably used the fold fashion way: killing those destined for prison.

[It also reduces costs such as food, employing guards, and the cost of deporting people.]. Another idea for Drumpf. He can use that in a campaign ad.]

Trump has promised to overhaul the law, saying on social media that “the cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good healthcare.” And yet he tried to change parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) while in his reign and failed. 59% of Americans like it.

[I am guessing most of the 41% are Republicans. ]

[Sometime after ACA was passed, people were asked about Obamacare and many of those wanted it killed. When asked about ACA, many of those same people were in favor of it. I guess it shows that they are just dumb or misinformed. ]

Former Trump lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was suspended [but not fired] from New York City radio station WABC and his talk show cancelled after three years he flagrantly ignored orders not to discuss false 2020 election conspiracy theories. The station received a letter in January 2021 from election technology company Dominion Voting Systems, which has been the target of baseless vote rigging claims by right-wing media figures, including Giuliani. WABC instructed its on-air hosts, including Giuliani, to avoid the subject. Giuliani allegedly texted the station owner [GOP billionaire donor] saying, “I am disregarding every order given in this letter.” He still owe roughly $150 million in various laws uits that he lost.

Quite a few Republican congresspersons, who won their districts in 2020 in tight races, are now refusing to comment on Trump’s claim that the election was stolen from him and Trump’s other usual claims. Many are still lightly supporting him but are staying clear of many of Trump’s lies [such as the 2020 election].

[This isn’t too surprising because congresspeople want to keep their cushy jobs. Most will do anything to keep their job for another 2+ years – and of course get their pension later on.]

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson says Trump played important role in aiding Ukraine.

[Huh? Trump wanted to give Ukraine to Russia to end the war.]

Former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon was rightfully convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to testify in front of the committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, Trump Insurrection, an appellate court ruled.

Trump’s proposed tariffs will do immediate damage. He has called for a baseline 10% tariff on all imported goods. Given that the United States imports 15% of its food supply — including nearly all of its coffee and cacao, 60% of fresh fruit and nearly 40% of fresh vegetables — a 10% tariff would amount to a cost increase on some of America’s most important imports.

In a recent poll:

  • Trump falsified business records to conceal a hush money payment to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels [52 percent].
  • This crime warrants the indictment and trial [40 percent].
  • He committed a crime in doing so [47 percent].
  • The trial is worthy of their approval [49 percent].

These are increases from a March 2023 poll asking the same questions.

[Exactly how are the evangelists and other very conservative groups would support a man who had a fling with his future second wife while married to his first, then had a fling with his future third wife while married to his second plus flings with at least two women (Karen McDougal, Story Daniels) and probably many others plus being good friends with the late Jeffrey Epstein who was know to have sexual flings with young and under-age women.]

About Edward B
computer guy

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